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Meet our Producers: Hudson Valley Seed Library

Ken Greene and Doug Muller are the founders of Hudson Valley Seed Company (HVSC), located in Accord, New York, where they cultivate three acres of production and trial gardens. Their business evolved from a project called Valley Educational Seed Saving Exchange and Library (VESSEL) that was created by Greene while he was working as a librarian at the Gardiner Public Library in Gardiner, New York. Because of his strong interest in preserving heirloom seed varieties, Greene decided to add heirloom seeds to the library catalog so that patrons could "check them out," grow them in their home gardens, and then "return" saved seeds at the end of the season. The project grew from a creative library exchange into a full-fledged business, and in 2016, it officially became the Hudson Valley Seed Company, a source of heirloom and open pollinated vegetable, flower, and herb seeds.
Hudson Valley Seed Library original artwork seed packets

The HVSC team produces hundreds of pounds of seed each year—some developed on their own small farm, others sourced from local farms and trustworthy, non-biotech wholesale seed houses. They research new varieties for possible inclusion in their catalog, and they undertake breeding projects using traditional plant breeding methods rather than genetic engineering. Greene and Muller use only organic practices on the farm, which became Certified Organic in 2013. They have also signed the Council for Responsible Genetics’ Safe Seed Pledge and adhere to Vandana Shiva's Declaration of Seed Freedom. 

One more distinctive part of the Hudson Valley Seed Company enterprise is the commissioning of original works of art that are featured on its seed packs. Each year the company issues a public call for art and about twenty applicants are selected to design and produce seed packet art work for a new variety. The participating artists come mainly from the Northeast, and many are avid gardeners.

As you plan your garden for the coming season, consider using seeds from Hudson Valley Seed Company. There is a beautiful display of its many offerings at the entrance to the produce department at the Co-op. 

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 At Honest Weight Food Co-op, we truly value the small businesses and dedicated individuals who work hard to produce the exceptional products we carry. We think their exceptional stories demonstrate the importance of supporting local, and why we're so committed to it!

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